Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation is recommended after an acute coronary event such as a heart attack, or cardiac procedures such as stenting or bypass surgery. It reduces mortality, accelerates recovery, improves clinical outcomes (e.g. improved cholesterol, blood pressure), improves behavioural outcomes (e.g. exercise tolerance, smoking cessation), reduces repeat cardiovascular events and hospital readmissions, strengthens adherence to medication, and enhances mental health and quality of life.

HeartStart cardiac rehabilitation is group-based and provide comprehensive treatment specifically tailored for people with heart disease. All sessions are supervised by our health professionals and designed to operate in line with recommended clinical guidelines. Standard cardiac rehabilitation comprises of supervised exercise sessions completed twice weekly over an eight- week period. Assessment consultations are completed before and after rehabilitation to accurately assess your symptoms using internationally recognised clinical measurements and protocols.

Public funding to support participation in a standard eight (8) week program of cardiac rehabilitation is available to those meeting clinical criteria. Self-funded participation is billed per consultation/session. Private health insurance rebates for Physiotherapy are processed through HiCAPS. Medicare rebate/s for physiotherapy assessment consultation/s are available only with an eligible Medicare GPMP/TCA (GP Management Plan / Team Care Arrangement) referrals. DVA Health Cards (Gold and White) are accepted as payment for an eligible doctor/GP referra

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